Tuesday, December 9, 2008


so i decided to make this post a very selfish one. but in doing so, that i may close this book and start a new one.

"you're too nice". wowzers. that was the exact quote. at first it made no sense to me. but after opening my ears, i was perplexed at my own situation. i will not bore you with the details of someone unintentionally ripping my insides to shreds, but the gist of it was that i was giving too much of myself and people were taking advantage of it.

NOTE: DUE TO THE SKILL LEVEL OF THE WRITER, AN EXPLANATION IS NEEDED TO CLARIFY. let's make one thing clear before continuing. by me saying "people were taking advantage" the meaning i was trying to give was that i was allowing this to happen to myself rather than people consciously doing so. continue.

don't get me wrong. this isn't some pity party you've all been invited to. i completely appreciate the intent of this person in telling me something like this. i know for a fact this person is looking out for me and even giving me the "no sugar" approach. i mean, the saying "truth hurts" wasn't invented yesterday.

pops said this to me. "mike, most of your friends are going to come out of med/dent/professional school making a good living. if you want that lifestyle, you better work hard now because no matter how good of friends they are, they're not going to pay for your mortgage or your vacations."

tonight, a different friend told me that i have to help myself first. not in the "don't care about other people" sort of way, but take care of me, before taking care of others.

the point of all this? you can decide for yourself. but on this end, lesson learned. no, i'm not going to have a jerry mcguire moment or have some radical change in my personality. i am however going to be a little more cautious and aware about my own well being.

if you think mike should make this change, stay tuned. if he should continue on this path, go to page 89.

(shout out to the old "choose your own adventure" books.)

there is no page 89.


Starmarket said...

Jerk...Before you Circle Jerk. :)

Matthew said...

I detest those choose your adventure books.

But kudos to not having a Jerry Maguire moment. I admire that more so than a forced one.